FAQ Q212: How do I setup my Authorize.net account to accept payments for the reservations?

Sezione: Integrations with specific payment gateways
For general information about accepting payments in Planyo see Q121: I'd like to accept credit card payments for the reservations.

NOTE: The SIM, DPM and CIM methods are no longer actively maintained or enhanced by Authorize.net. Instead, you should use the Authorize.net Accept Hosted method. You can select it on the Site settings / Online payments page.
Redirect method
First of all, to accept payments through your Authorize.net account, you need to select Authorize.net or Authorize.net (DPM) in the Payment processing site option on the site settings page. The DPM method is different in that it asks for the credit card details while the customer is on your website. The credit card details are sent to the authorize.net server for processing and then the customer is redirected back to your site for the reservation confirmation message. The non-DPM method will ask for credit card details on authorize.net's website.

In order to submit the payment form, Authorize.net requires that the data is authenticated with your account's API Login ID and Transaction Key. These two keys are used to add an authentication value to the transaction and should not be shared with anyone. We'd like to give you here a choice to (1) specify the keys directly in Planyo or (2) use a proxy script hosted on your server where the keys will be used to add the necessary validation. Please note that in order to be PCI compliant you must choose (2) and go through the PCI compliance certification of your website. If PCI compliance is important for you and your website is not PCI compliant, then you should choose another version of the Authorize.net integration.

1. If you want to specify API Login ID and Transaction Key directly in Planyo, type them in the fields on the Online payments page. This way Planyo will add the fingerprint for you and automatically redirect the customer to the Authorize.net page to confirm the transaction. In this case, you don't need to any proxy script on your server.

2. If you rather want to use a proxy script to add the security key, you can download the template file here.

Once you download and unpack the script, edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad), set the $api_login_id and $transaction_key variables (at the beginning of the script) with your API Login ID and Transaction Key and upload the script to your web server.

Here's a sample of how you should change the script by filling in your private values:

$api_login_id = '42ad6e7AC'; // Put your API_LOGIN_ID here.
$transaction_key = '3wb3V79e234SpN32'; // Put your TRANSACTION_KEY here.

Next, go back to the Online payments page in Planyo and type the url pointing to the uploaded script (located your server) in the Authorize.net proxy page field. Please make sure that the url starts with either http:// or https:// (using SSL is recommended).

Now that you have the authorize.net payments set up, when your customer gets to the end of the reservation process they will see the Authorize.net payment button. Clicking the button sends all necessary reservation and payment data directly to Authorize.net or to your proxy script. Finally, the customer is redirected to the Authorize.net gateway to authenticate the transaction. Once this is done, Planyo gets notified about it and automatically adds information about the payment and updates the status of the reservation.

The 'Authorize only' transaction type
Note that beyond the regular Authorization and Capture transaction type, Authorize.net also supports the Authorization Only mode. Please see the Authorize and capture vs. Authorize only section in Q121: I'd like to accept credit card payments for the reservations

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