FAQ Q118: How do I know when a new reservation is made?

Section: Emails & SMS notifications
By default, an email will be sent to the main site administrator. However, in Site settings / Email SMS notifications you can change this default behavior.  You can configure email notifications to be sent to other users : main moderator, resource admin, or custom email addresses (use the BCC field).
You can also have an SMS sent to you in case you don't check your email regularly. Please note that to use sms you will need to purchase a pack of 100 in the Subscription menu.

If you're using the backend app for a mobile device, you can configure push notifications as well.

Another possibility is setting up a notification callback url (webhook) that will be called when a new reservation is made. Please see this FAQ question for more info.

You can also set up custom automations which will work with other cloud-based apps using our Zapier integration or our Make integration.
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